My ICT Project Implementation Experienced

1. What are the factors you need to consider in creating an ICT Project? • planning • motivation • analysis •observation • avoiding scope • project closure • selection and justification • management involvement and support • Etc. 2. What are the difficulties you experienced while doing your ICT Project ? • Time management. Because of home schooling I have other responsibilities not only school, since we students stay at home I automatically will do all the household choreses. 3. What kind of content that would encourage or motivate you to participate in a call to action? • Offer something extra and may have to sweeten the deal to encourage users. • Offer some dicounts, coupons , promo's, free gifts etc. co'z people like freebies. 4. How will you rate your knowledge in creating an ICT Project? • based it to my works, and rate atleast 1 to 10. 5. Rate yourself from 1 to ...